

Σήμερα ο φεμινισμός κάνει ακαταλόγιστη τη γυναίκα, υποτιμά και καταργεί τη μητρότητά της. Στην καθιερωμένη λοιπόν γιορτή της μητέρας αξίζει να υπενθυμίσουμε στη γυναίκα τι λένε οι σοφοί για την άξια μητέρα.
Εσύ, είσαι ο στύλος του σπιτιού και του χωρίου καμάρι,
Γυναίκα εσύ , μάνα αδερφή,
σου πρέπει εσέ προσκυνητάρι.

Εσύ, γυναίκα, τον τραβάς της γης τον πιο σκληρό αγώνα
για τ' όργωμα, για την σπορά, το θέρο,
τ 'άντρα σου κολόνα.

Εσύ θα ψήσεις το ψωμί, εσύ θα στρώσεις το κλινάρι,
κι εσύ θα κάτσεις τη νυχτιά νυχτέρι δίπλα στο λυχνάρι...
Για το λιομάζωμα θα πας και για τα ζα συ θα φροντίσεις

Εσύ στη βρύση για νερό και το παιδί συ θα κοίμησης
Όλη δικιά σου ειν' η δουλειά , γυναίκα του χωρίου.

Μπροστά σου ας σκύψουν όλοι ταπεινά
κι ας προσκυνήσουν την ποδιά σου.

Χθες, παιδί μου, έδειξες έλλειψη σεβασμού στη μητέρα σου.
Τα ανευλαβή σου λόγια μπήκαν στην καρδιά μου σαν μαχαιριά...
Συ, να προσβάλεις τη μητέρα σου!
Τη μητέρα σου , που θα έδινε ένα χρόνο από την ευτυχία της , για να σου αφαιρέσει μιας ώρας πόνο, που θα γινόταν ζητιάνα για σένα, που θα σκοτωνόταν ακόμα, για να σου δώσει τη ζωή.
Άκουσε, παιδί μου. Βάλ’ το καλά στο μυαλό σου αυτό που θα σου πω.
Υπόθεσε ότι έχεις να περάσεις πολλές άσχημες στιγμές στη ζωή σου. Αλλά η πιο τρομερή στιγμή θα είναι εκείνη που θα χάσεις τη μητέρα σου...
Τότε θα θυμηθείς κάθε πίκρα που την πότισες και θα αισθανθείς τύψεις να σε τυραννούν, δυστυχισμένε!
Μην περιμένεις γαλήνη στη ζωή σου, αν έχεις λυπήσει τη μητέρα σου...
Πρόσεχε , παιδί μου: η αγάπη της μητέρας είναι ένα από τα πιο μεγάλα αισθήματα του ανθρώπου...
Ο κακούργος που σέβεται τη μητέρα του έχει ακόμα μέσα του κάτι το τίμιο και το ευγενικό. Ο πιο ένδοξος των ανθρώπων που προσβάλλει και στενοχωρεί τη μητέρα του, δεν είναι παρά ένα σιχαμερό πλάσμα.
Να μη βγει πια από το στόμα σου, παιδί μου, μια σκληρή λέξη για κείνη που σου έδωκε τη ζωή.
Κι αν σου ξεφύγει ποτέ μια τέτοια λέξη, γονάτισε μπροστά της και παρακάλεσέ την μ' ένα φίλημά της να σβήσει από το μέτωπό σου το στίγμα της αγνωμοσύνης.

Κατάκοπος από τη μεγάλη ένταση ο Ουγκώ αποσύρθηκε να κοιμηθεί. Προτού κλειδώσει το υπνοδωμάτιο , είπε στον υπηρέτη.
- Μη με ξυπνήσει κανείς. Αν έλθει ο συμβολαιογράφος και σου πει ότι κληρονόμησα κάποια τεράστια περιουσία, πες του δεν είμαι εδώ. Αν πιάσει φωτιά το σπίτι, μη με ξυπνήσεις- προτιμώ να καώ. Αν έλθει η μητέρα μου από τον άλλο κόσμο, να της πεις να με περιμένει. Και διόρθωσε: Μάλλον μην της πεις τίποτα. Αυτή δε θα θελήσει ποτέ να με ξυπνήσει, θα περιμένει...
Έτσι ύμνησαν τη μητέρα από τα παλιά τα χρόνια…

Saint Monica

A mother who saved her prodigal son through her tears…

Monica was born in Tagaste in Numidia (North Africa), in 332 BC. Her parents were pious Christians and despite the fact that they were wealthy, they referred to give her a Christian education rather than the falsely-affected education which transfers people into conceited characters.
Therefore, they entrusted her upbringing to an elderly tried and virtuous servant, who tried as much as possible to make her worthy of her future role. However, despite her advice and her precautions, Monica was beaten by a bad habit. She began to drink and as time passed she drank many glasses of wine, something which was probably due to youthful recklessness rather than a love of liquor. God in His goodness, though, brought her to her senses, when, during a dispute with one of her servants, the servant said to her: “Are you, who become drunk, going to teach me?” This was enough to make Monica stop her bad habit; not only that, she also systematically began to read Holy Scripture and to devote herself to the word of God.
Her parents married her off to Patricius who was from an aristocratic family, an idolater but an accommodating person. In order to draw him to the Christian faith, Monica obeyed him implicitly, as the Apostle says. He did have two great faults, however. He had extra-marital affairs and was also very volatile. Monica was saddened both because he did not respect marital honour and because he sinned in the eyes of God. However, Monica never caused scenes or arguments at home. She continued to surround him with her love and with Christian tenderness.
Monica was also an example to her mother-in-law, who was eccentric and also did not like her. Monica persisted and took care of her with love; her mother-in-law changed so much that she punished any servants she heard slandering her daughter-in-law. That which gave her the most joy, however, was Patricius’ return to the ways of God. At some point her husband became gravely ill and shortly before his death he was baptized and became a Christian.
Monica bore a son by Patricius, named Augustine. As a youth Augustine was prone to a wasteful life. Monica struggled throughout her life to make him a Christian, from the time he was a young boy, but his father’s example and Augustine’s own restless life brought him to the way of sin. At the age of 19 he went to Carthage to further his studies. There, where debauchery was rampant, he was totally captivated by illegal pastimes and became a member of the then well-known heresy of the Manicheans. Monica heard this, but she knew how to be patient, to cry and to pray. She waited for him at night with tears in her eyes, to return from the houses of sin. She shed so many tears – as he himself later wrote in his “Confessions” – many more than those which mothers shed over the bodies of their dead children. Monica saw Augustine daily, not physically, but spiritually dead. However, God, who noticed her tears, also took care of her son’s return. Once, the Bishop of Carthage had comforted her, saying: “A child who causes his mother so many tears can never possibly be lost; your son will be saved”.
Augustine left Carthage and went to Milan as a teacher of rhetoric. There he joined the devout Bishop Ambrose of Milan, and his acquaintance with him brought about his departure from the delusion of the Manicheans. Augustine continued to experience a struggle between good and evil. A naturally restless and unsatisfied soul, he searched constantly for the Truth. One day he heard a voice telling him: “Take and read”.
He opened the Bible at an excerpt: “Not in reveling and drunkenness, not in debauchery and licentiousness…”.
He began to see sin as a torturous punishment. He abandoned his sinful life and in a continual path of repentance began to approach God more and more. He received catechism from the Holy Ambrose and on 24th April 387 AD he was baptized and became a Christian.
The angels in heaven rejoice for every soul that repents. Together with them on earth, his mother Monica, St Monica, also rejoiced and this time she shed tears of joy and praised and thanked God. The return of the creature to the creator became a fact.
Mother and son returned to Rome. There Monica was struck by a fatal disease, which quickly worsened daily…The day of her departure from earthly life approached, opening the way to the next life, eternal life, unending life with God…Sadness overcame Augustine’s heart. Monica begged him not to worry because this separation is not worthy of sorrow as it is temporary; we will all meet up again in the heavenly Jerusalem. She asked only that she be commemorated in the Holy Prothesis in the Divine Liturgies… She breathed her last at the age of 56, when Augustine was 33.
The tears f a mother, like Monica’s, are shed at every step of her life. She prays and hopes. She never buckles in prayer. She is never angered, she never complains to God. Together with her prayers, she lives a holy life, doing good deeds. Monica saved her son, her husband and her mother-in-law. She is probably the best example for mothers, wives, daughters-in-law.
Our Church commemorated her memory on 15th June.



“Jesus! He never wrote a book yet all the libraries in the world cannot contain the books which have been written about Him.

He never founded a school, yet all the schools together cannot boast that they have more students than He has.

He never became a doctor yet he healed more hearts than all the bodies which all the doctors heal.

He never led armies. Yet no commander ever attracted more volunteers than He did.

Alexander, Caesar, Hannibal, conquered the world, but they had no friends.

Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne and I founded empires. But, on what? On violence. Jesus founded His Empire on Love!”

Napoleon Bonaparte


On 15 August we commemorate the Dormition and the metastasis of the Most Holy Theotokos. When our Lord Jesus Christ wanted to take His Mother, who still lived on earth, to be with Him, He sent the Archangel Gabriel who had also proclaimed to her the Nativity of Christ, to tell her that in three days her Son would receive her spirit. When the Virgin heard the Archangel’s message, she was overjoyed because she burned with desire to go to Him. She eagerly ran to the Mount of Olives to pray, as she usually did. To this day, there on the Mount of Olives, stands the chapel on the grounds of which are the Cypress trees which leaned towards the All Holy Virgin as she climbed to get to where she usually prayed, giving honour and respect to the Lady and Mistress of the world. When the All Pure One had prayed for a long while, she returned to her home, lit all her lamps, invited all her family and neighbours, prepared and cleaned the room for the big event, prepared her death bed and every necessary for her burial. To the women who had begun to arrive following her invitation, she showed the palm branch, that joyful and victorious sign which the Angel had given her when he brought the message of her departure; with the message of the Annunciation he had brought her a lily. Hearing what was for them a sad message, the women mourned and with abundant tears pleaded with the Virgin not leave them orphaned. With compassion and love she assured them that now that she was going to her Son, she would leave neither them, nor any others in the world, orphaned. The only two robes that she had she gave to two widows whom she herself had undertaken to care for and feed. Suddenly, loud thunder was heard and thick clouds began to gather in the sky, bringing all the Apostles from the ends of the earth and together with them came St Dionysios the Areopagite, St Ierotheos, St Timothy and other hierarchs.

When they learnt why the Lord had transported them on the clouds to the home of the Most Holy Virgin, they too began to mourn and cry, telling her that as long as she lived among them they had her as a comfort, because they felt that in her, they saw her Son. Knowing that she too was about to go to Heaven, they were saddened. Again, with great compassion, our All Holy Virgin answered them saying: “Oh friends and disciples of my Son and God, do not turn my joy into mourning and sorrow, but bury my body as I have prepared it on my death bed”. When she had finished speaking the Apostle Paul , the chosen instrument, arrived and, falling at her feet he praised her with great heavenly praise, while telling her that thought he had not ever seen her Son in the flesh on earth, as he looked her he felt that he was facing her Son Himself. The All Holy Virgin bade them all farewell then, lay on her death bed and began to pray continuously with supplications to her Son for the peace of the world, the blessing of the Apostles and Hierarchs and through them to all the world – and so she placed her illumined and Most Holy soul into the hands of her Son and God.

Peter, the most senior of the Apostles, was first to read aloud the funeral lamentations for the Theotokos as the rest of the Apostles lifted the death bed – others were carrying candles and singing hymns, yet others simply following – and walked to the grave which was to receive the God-accepting body of the Mother of God. Even the Angels in Heaven could be heard singing hymns and the voices of all the bodiless hosts united in hymns to the Theotokos filled the air. The invidious rulers of the Jews who could not tolerate listening to those hymns, exhorted some of the people to throw to the ground the death bed on which the body of the Theotokos was being carried. As the profane hands reached out to perform that sacrilegious deed, divine justice blinded them and cut off the hands of him who first reached out to throw the body of the Theotokos to the ground. His hands remained hanging on the All Holy Virgin’s bed. Then, he who was formerly profane and unbelieving, seeing his hands hanging there, believed with his whole heart and was immediately healed. He became the reason for all the others to repent and be healed because, by taking a piece of the All Holy Virgin’s robe and placing it on the eyes of those who had been blinded, they were all healed not only from the blindness of their eyes, but also from the passion of their faithlessness. When the Apostles and the entire entourage arrived in Gethsemane, they buried the most pure body of the Theotokos and remained there for three days, listening to the hymns and melodies sung by the Angels. After three days, and exactly as her Son had done, our Lady Theotokos rose to Heaven and her illumined soul was reunited with her God-accepting body. It would have been impossible anyway for her holy body, which had accepted the uncontainable God, to undergo decay and change. This was confirmed by divine oikonomia (regulation), because although all the Apostles had been transported to the All Holy Virgin’s house on the clouds just prior to her death, the Apostle Thomas was only taken there three days later. When he arrived, three days after the Dormition of the All Holy Virgin and saw her rising to Heaven, he asked her: “My Lady, where are you going?” She removed her cincture (sash) which she always wore and threw it into his hands; so, the Holy Cincture of the All Holy Virgin remains to this day as a comfort and a holy relic. The Apostle Thomas arrived at the grave and was saddened because he was not deemed worthy to witness the Dormition and burial of our Virgin Theotokos. All the Apostles together then took the decision to open the grave where the Mother of God had been placed, so that Thomas could be comforted and have the opportunity of venerating her. They were as amazed then as when they entered Christ’s tomb and saw the fine linen cloths only, for now they saw again only an empty tomb in which there was only a sheet which remained as a comfort and a consolation in the Apostles’ sorrow and a witness and undeniable proof that the All Holy Virgin had risen and gone to her Son from the tomb which three days prior to this her all pure body had been buried. To this day, the tomb remains empty to the glory and honour of the Most Blessed and glorious Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary.

Of course, in the Church we will see that only the metastasis of the All Holy Theotokos will be mentioned and not her resurrection and ascension and this is because it is not witnessed to in the Holy Scriptures, but only in the works of the Fathers, being a mystical dogma as St Basil the Great says. Essentially, the metastasis is more complete, as it comprises the resurrection and the ascension, because that which is resurrected changes places and that is why the metastasis of the Theotokos includes both her resurrection and ascension.

Our Theotokos, then, rose and went to her Son and her souls was united with her pure body which is alive in heaven, because as we have said, this body which carried Life could not suffer the decay which all other people which have passed or will pass through this life will suffer. The All Holy Theotokos is One and Only, the chosen vessel of God, who thanks to her humility became the vessel in which the uncontainable God could be contained and thanks to her we could find salvation and Paradise.

This is the feast which we celebrate on 15th August and this feast certainly bears no relation eating, drinking and drunkenness and worldly celebrations. The feast should be celebrated according to God’s will and the will of His All Holy Mother. We must go to Church on the morning of the feast so that we may honour the Dormition of the All Holy Virgin. We must eat only fish if that day falls on a Wednesday or Friday. We must offer supplications and prayers to the Mother of God and Mother of us all; praises and hymns for her who is our comfort, mediatrix, shelter and protection of us all. We love her, honour her, praise her and have recourse to her grace. It is she who united heaven and earth, God with man and opened for us the way to salvation and sanctity.