The Epiphany is one of the biggest celebrations of Christianity. The event celebrated the Baptism of the Lord in Iordaneia springs and also manifests the Trinitarian Godhead in the world.
The importance of the feast is shown by historical evidence indicating that after Easter, the feast of Epiphany is the oldest Christian celebration.
The fact of Baptism has tremendous theological significance. The artist managed to capture the colors this rich meanings event.
Christ is among high rocks, which come together and form a "musty". The water, which is not blessed, we recall the image of death - cataclysm. The symbolism of the rocks of the image of birth continues to view the Epiphany and ends on the image of Christ's descent into Hades. The picture shows the baptism of Jesus enters the water, the watery grave. Hades in the form of a dark cave, which contains the whole body of Christ, showing prokathodo to Hades, to dispel possible of this world. As mentioned by St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Jesus' Katavia en Edison ydasin the powerful. "
The Descent of Christ in Iordaneia water means the consecration of the water element, which is the basis of life in all creation and hence the consecration of the whole of creation, which because of human sin, "we know that any gar the creation groans and travails in pain together until now "(Rom. 22).
Christ stands in the middle of the Jordan naked or with white cloth in the middle of. His body was like a carved wood in various shapes and vigorously written, not fleshy. It is dressed with Adamiki nudity so give humanity the glorious heavenly garment. On the right, or with two hands bless the waters and is preparing to make the waters of baptism, which justifies with his dive. Christ had no need of purification, it was pure proaionios. It took John's baptism of humility and respect for human tradition. Baptism, the Lord does not agiastike the water but the water is sanctified and with it the whole creation.
One foot forward in front, to show the utmost initiative, to be baptized by John and go out in public action. The testimony of John about Christ that is "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" (John, a 29), was crucial. In some pictures of the baptism of Christ depicted may stand on a plate, which are crushed beneath snakes that pop their heads wanting to escape. The scene is taken from the book of Psalms and sits on the verse "thou ekrateosas Holy and under the sea thou thy crushed the heads of the dragons upon the water." (Psalm og 13).
Through the Jordan and around the body of Christ, swimming fish. Lower stand a woman and an old man sitting on theriopsara. She symbolizes the sea and the old man the Jordan River. The old man holds in his hands a jug from which water flows. These faces are painted based on the psalm verse "The sea saw and fled the Jordan estrafi in the rear. (Ps. rig 3).
St. John Chrysostom sees a profound shift in the metaphor of the Jordan to the rear. The river originates from two sources, one called Jor, and the other called Dan. From the combination of the two rivers shows that the Jordan flows into the Dead Sea. So the human race came from the grandparents, Adam and Eve. After the defection of the human race marched in sin and spiritual death, which is an allegory to the Dead Sea. Saviour Christ the incarnation of human nature freed from enslavement to corruption and death as a result even the Jordan River to want to move backwards and do not want to die.
The Baptism of Christ is also called Epiphany. The revelation of the Holy Trinity icon painter says the hand of the Father, blessed by a section of a semi-circle represents the heavens. From this cycle departing light rays characteristic of the Holy Spirit and brighten the pigeon. At the moment the Father shows the Son's divinity and called beloved Son. The Son who is baptized in the Jordan illuminate the world, freeing it from the domination of Satan. The Holy Spirit, who descends in the form of dove, confirming the testimony of the Father and gives us the adiasalefto foundation of our faith. It is the Spirit who "commanded" to Christ and leads the public mission.
By John of Damascus in proportion to the cataclysm and the dove with the olive branch is a sign of peace. The Holy Spirit in the creation of the world "epefereto up" from the primordial waters and has made his life (Gen. A 2). So now Christening hovering over the waters of the Jordan River and causing the second birth of a new creature.
On the left side of the picture John the Baptist bows with humility and respect for the person of the Messiah. It points to the Holy Spirit, descends "As a dove." His face is painted in profile position because of supernatural appearance of the Holy Spirit. His right hand touches the head of Christ and the left is stationary supplication. The head is disheveled and his beard sparse. The expression is strict and serious. Hands and feet are fleshless, because 'he not feed his locusts and wild honey "(Mt. c 4). His face painting scrawny and dark complexion, to indicate the heat of the desert. She wears clothes made of camel hair and leather belt at the waist (Mt. c 4).
Beside the Baptist is a pickaxe wedged between the branches of a tree. It symbolizes the words of the prophet John: "... But already the pickaxe with no root of the trees located ˙ every tree, then, lest notify honorable ekkoptetai fruits and inserted into the fire" (Mt. c 10). Here is revealed the nemesis that is already among us to pick the fruit from the fruitless trees.
On the right side of the image are the angels. They marinate their hands and suggest to Christ, be ready to serve. A special fabric or garment covers the open palms, which have shaped prayer, yet willingness to serve.
The bright colors that suddenly getting out of the sky and descended as Christ, the Angels and the Baptist, "creating sacred transcendental atmosphere suitable for the image of the Baptism is full of supernatural elements, such as the magnificent voice of the Father and the descent of Holy Spirit. "
Despina Ioannou - Kingdom
Priestess - Teacher
Excerpt from the book: the twelve
Image: The other language of theology.
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