Martyrs Adrian and Natalia of Nicomedia - August 26
The Martyrs Adrian and Natalia were married in their
youth for one year prior to their martyrdom, and lived in Nicomedia during the
time of the emperor Maximian (305-311). The emperor promised a reward to
whomever would inform on Christians to bring them to trial. Then the
denunciations began, and twenty-three Christians were captured in a cave near Nicomedia.
They were tortured, urged to worship idols, and then brought before the Praetor, in order to record their names and responses. Adrian, the head of the praetorium, watched as these people suffered with such courage for their faith. Seeing how firmly and fearlessly they confessed Christ, asked: "What rewards do you expect from your God for your suffering?" The martyrs replied: "Such rewards as we are not able to describe, nor can your mind comprehend." St Adrian told the scribes,"Write my name down also, for I am a Christian and I die gladly for Christ God."
The scribes reported this to the emperor, who summoned St Adrian and asked: "Really, have you gone mad, that you want to die? Come, cross out your name from the lists and offer sacrifice to the gods, asking their forgiveness."
St Adrian answered: "I have not lost my mind, but rather have I found it." Maximian then ordered Adrian to be thrown into prison. His wife, St Natalia, knowing that her husband was to suffer for Christ, rejoiced, since she herself was secretly a Christian.
She hastened to the prison and encouraged her husband saying: "You are blessed, my lord, because you have believed in Christ. You have obtained a great treasure. Do not regret anything earthly, neither beauty, nor youth (Adrian was then 28 years of age), nor riches. Everything worldly is dust and ashes. Only faith and good deeds are pleasing to God."
They were tortured, urged to worship idols, and then brought before the Praetor, in order to record their names and responses. Adrian, the head of the praetorium, watched as these people suffered with such courage for their faith. Seeing how firmly and fearlessly they confessed Christ, asked: "What rewards do you expect from your God for your suffering?" The martyrs replied: "Such rewards as we are not able to describe, nor can your mind comprehend." St Adrian told the scribes,"Write my name down also, for I am a Christian and I die gladly for Christ God."
The scribes reported this to the emperor, who summoned St Adrian and asked: "Really, have you gone mad, that you want to die? Come, cross out your name from the lists and offer sacrifice to the gods, asking their forgiveness."
St Adrian answered: "I have not lost my mind, but rather have I found it." Maximian then ordered Adrian to be thrown into prison. His wife, St Natalia, knowing that her husband was to suffer for Christ, rejoiced, since she herself was secretly a Christian.
She hastened to the prison and encouraged her husband saying: "You are blessed, my lord, because you have believed in Christ. You have obtained a great treasure. Do not regret anything earthly, neither beauty, nor youth (Adrian was then 28 years of age), nor riches. Everything worldly is dust and ashes. Only faith and good deeds are pleasing to God."
The teachings of elder Sophronios of Essex. Married life and the Jesus prayer
There are some people who wish
to incorporate married life with the sweetness of prayer, praying like the
ascetics. But this effort cannot be
accomplished. This is why married people become worried and distraught. The prayer of the heart requires purity of
heart and body. We must discreetly guide
and inform married couples that it is better to stop the prayer of the heart
rather to stop communicating with one another for the sake of the
marriage. If the marriage fails then the
husband will seek out another woman and most likely the wife will seek out
another man, and if this happens, then all prayer is lost. When the family disintegrates then prayer is
lost. Discreet coordination is required
between the married and spiritual state guided by an experienced Spiritual
Our greatest missionary work in
life takes place in the Divine Liturgy.
The Fathers of the Church would always build an Altar of Sacrifice in
whatever country or city they traveled to.
And this is so, because when the heart is sweetened by the Divine
Liturgy, it then seeks God. It then
desires to live an Orthodox ecclesiastical life, the heart of which is the Holy
I told the brotherhood that it
should always be a priority for it to perform the Divine Liturgy in the
Monastery. The prayers of the Divine
Liturgy should not be intoned for personal gratification because at that moment
the priests are expressing the prayers of all those praying in Church. And for this reason the priests should not be
praying with self-centered feelings. We
do not celebrate as individuals.
Adam in paradeiso
'Adam was headless as guardian of Paradise, for
the crafty thief stealthily entered; leaving aside the fruit -- which
most men would covet -- he stole instead the Garden's inhabitant! Adam's
Lord came out to seek him; He entered Sheol and found him there, then
led and brought him out to set him once more in Paradise.'
St. Ephrem of Syria
St. Ephrem of Syria
of the basic Teachings of our Orthodox Christian Faith is the Teaching which
concerns the Second Coming and the Last Judgement of the entire world by our
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
According to this, our Lord Jesus Christ will come again to judge the
living and the dead. This Second Coming
will not be as humble as the first appearance, but will be glorious and
awesome. The Lord will be accompanied by numerous angelical hosts and will sit
on a Throne to judge all the works of men.
Nothing can be hidden from the flaming eyes of the Just Judge, who will
judge with justice all the works of men, those which were done in secret and in
public; and no one can hide or avoid this terrible Day. Our deeds, words and thoughts, even our most
secret emotions and desires will be exposed before the entire universe, men and
angles, in order that each and everyone receive their reward or punishment.
in today’s Gospel reading, our Lord Jesus Christ assures us about the reality of
this future event and spoke about the Parable of the King who wanted to receive
an account from all his servants. During
this meeting, one of the servants was found to be in debt with ten thousand
talanta. The servant was in terrible
situation, because he was unable to repay his Master. The King order immediately to arrest the
servant’s wife, children and all his belongings, he himself to be thrown into
prison until he repays all he debts.
poor servant, at the hearing of his Master’s decision, seeing his catastrophe,
fell down to his knees and beseeched his Master’s mercy and philanthropia,
promising that, if he will give him a second chance he will repay all his
debt. The Master showed mercy and
released him from all his debts. Now, he
doesn’t owe anything. Everything has
been wiped clean away.
The Dοrmitiοn οf the Theotokos
His Eminence Metropolitan
Panteleimon of Antinoes
It is not an easy task for anyone to describe
the glory of the Mother of God. It is also extremely difficult to put into
words the virtues and holiness of the Living Temple of God, namely the Holy
Now, let us investigate what the Bible
says concerning the Theotokos. In Genesis, the first Book of the Old Testament,
God promised Adam and Eve that from a virgin the Saviour of mankind shall be
born, when He says to the serpent: "Because thou hast done this, thou art
cursed above all cattle and all the brutes of the earth, on thy breast and
belly thou shalt go, and thou shalt eat earth all the days of thy life. And Ι
will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed,
he shall watch against thy head, and thou shalt watch against his heel" (Gen.
3:l5-l6). This promise is called "Protoevangelio" (the first Good
News) because it is the first message that God gave man concerning the
salvation of mankind. The virgin will give birth without having a relationship
with a man, and the Child will crush the head of the invisible enemy, namely
Satan. The image of the heel is used by God to prophesy the Crucifixion and the
Resurrection of our Lord.
1. The soul is a profound being
and only God understands it.
2. Why do we chase after shadows?
We should turn on the Light and the shadows will dissipate of their own accord.
We should allow Christ to fill our souls and the demons will leave on
their own.
3. A person may speak about
his sins and then brag about them while another person will speak of his sins
and will be humbled by them.
4. A lazy person cannot become
a Christian. It requires a great deal of work, a lot of work.
5. If you desire, you can become
a saint in Omonia Square.
(This is in reference to the years that the Elder Porphyrios lived and
ministered to the faithful in Omonia
Square in downtown Athens, Greece.)
6. God loves us very much. He
constantly has us in His thoughts and He protects us. We must believe this
reality well and not be afraid of anything in life.
7. You must ask God to forgive
your sins. And God, from whom you ask this with pain and humbleness, will
forgive your sins and He will heal your bodily ills.
8. Morbid grief and worry is not
from God, it is a trap of the devil.
9. God concerns Himself with all
the details of our lives. We must understand that He is not indifferent
to our needs. We are not alone in this world. (I learned this spiritual
truth in a revelation that I received in the altar of St. Sophia Church).
10. You should fill up your souls
with the presence of Christ, with divine love, with joy. The joy of
Christ will heal you.
11. You should not be concerned
whether or not people like you, but you should be concerned about loving Christ
and all your fellow human beings. Only in this way will your soul be
filled with Jesus Christ.
12. The most important thing in
our lives is to love Christ and then all our problems will be resolved.
Translated from the Greek by:
+Fr. Constantine J. Simones,
August10, 2012.
The Holy Martyr Susanna (Commemorated on August 11)
The Holy Martyr Susanna the Virgin was the daughter of Presbyter
Gavinius and a niece of the Holy Bishop Caius of Rome (283-296). She was
raised in strict Christian piety and in her youthful years dedicated
herself to God. The family of the saint was related to the emperor
Diocletian (284-305), who heard reports of her virtue and beauty.
Having decided to give St Susanna in marriage to his co-emperor
Maximian (305-311), Diocletian sent his own kinsman, the dignitary
Claudius, to the priest Gavinius, and then his own brother Maximus. Both
of them, together with the wife of Claudius Prepedigna and her sons
Alexander and Cythius, accepted Baptism after conversation with the
pious family. Having learned that the entire family of his relatives had
been converted to Christianity, Diocletian sent them into exile.
Soon they burned the martyrs at Ostia, not far from Rome, and threw the
ashes into the sea. They took the holy virgin Susanna to the palace,
and the empress tried to persuade her to submit. But the empress,
secretly a Christian, supported the martyr in her intention to preserve
her virginity for the sake of the Lord. She explained to the emperor
about the virgin's unwillingness to enter into marriage with a pagan.
Diocletian gave permission to his co-ruler to defile the holy virgin,
but an angel defended her.
Macedonius began to urge the martyr
to offer sacrifice to the idols. "I offer myself in sacrifice to my
Lord," she answered. Then Macedonius cut off the martyr's head. The
empress secretly buried the body of the saint. The room where the murder
occurred was consecrated into a church by the holy Bishop Caius. Soon
the father of St Susanna, Presbyter Gavinius, accepted a martyr's end,
as did St Caius in the year 296.
Macedonius began to urge the martyr to offer sacrifice to the idols. "I offer myself in sacrifice to my Lord," she answered. Then Macedonius cut off the martyr's head. The empress secretly buried the body of the saint. The room where the murder occurred was consecrated into a church by the holy Bishop Caius. Soon the father of St Susanna, Presbyter Gavinius, accepted a martyr's end, as did St Caius in the year 296.
Icon & Worship
For the Orthodox Christian a
portable icon is not an autonomous work of art, but rather a basic and
inseparable element of divine worship and liturgical life. It also expresses
essential principles of church dogma, based on the theology of the icon, the
principal exponent of which in the age of Iconoclasm was St. John of Damascus
(ca. 676–745). The iconoclastic controversy, it should be remembered, convulsed
the Church and disrupted the Byzantine Empire,
and while this movement prevailed it was forbidden to decorate churches with
figurative subject and to make or venerate portable icons.
9th Sunday οf St. Matthew
His Eminence Metropolitan Panteleimon of Antinoes
Through the Divine Economy the Love of the Holy Trinity is expressed to
mankind. "Through marvellous deeds and prophetical words God prepared man
to participate once again in His Love and True Life" (St. Basil). This tτue love of God to mankind is
expressed in every Holy Sacrament in the Orthodox Church.
Today we shall examine the following: Firstly,
the fτuits of the Divine Liturgy.
Secondly, the preparation of the Ρriest prior to the Divine Liturgy, and
thirdly, how the faithful can receive the fτuits of the Divine Liturgy.
After the Bishop or Priest has blessed the Offering Gifts, in other words the bread and wine, and the Gifts
have been consecrated to become the actual Body and Blood of Christ, he
continues, saying the following prayer: "So that they may be to those who
partake of them forvigilance of soul, forgiveness of sins, communion of Your Holy Spirit, fulfillment
of the Κingdοm of Heaven, confidence before You, and not in judgement or condemnation."
Through the Holy Sacrament of the Divine Eucharist, Christ offers
to man His precious Body and Blood so that man can become one body with his
Saviour. Our Lord Himself, when He spoke for the first time about this
Sacrament, said: ''He who eats ΜΥ flesh and drinks
ΜΥ Blood abides in me, and Ι in him" (John 6:56). When man participates in this Holy Sacrament, he
receives Christ inside of him, and Christ receives man. Christ becomes the Temple, and the Dweller
therein. St. John Chrysostom teaches us: ''It is necessary for us to learn
about the miracle of the Sacrament, what it is, why it was instituted, and what
the benefits are. We become one Body with His flesh, not only in words, but in reality. Through Holy Communion our
Lord wanted to show us His longing Love for us. For this reason He united
Himself with us so that we can be united with Him in one Body, namely the
Church, which has Him as Head thereof.
Christ's love for man was not only satisfied in the Incarnation, the
Passion, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection, but continues and extends
furthermore into the offering of the Divine Eucharist.
Daily readings from scriptures August 2012
1 1Cor
13:4-14:5 Mt 20:1-16
2 1Cor 14:6-19
Mt 20:17-28
3 1Cor
14:26-40 Mt 21:12-14,17-20
4 Rom 14:6-9
Mt 15:32-39
5 1Cor 3:9-17 Mt 14:22-34
6 Exod 24:12-18; Exod
33:11-34:8; 1Kg 19:3-162Pet 1:10-19 Mt 17:1-9
7 1Cor
15:29-38 Mt 21:23-27
8 1Cor 16:4-12
Mt 21:28-32
9 2Cor 1:1-7
Mt 21:43-46
10 2Cor
1:12-20 Mt 22:23-33
11 Rom
15:30-33 Mt 17:24-18:4
12 1Cor 4:9-16 Mt 17:14-23
13 2Cor 2:4-15
Mt 23:13-22
14 2Cor
2:14-3:3 Mt 23:23-28
15 Gen 28:10-17; Ezek
43:27-44:4; Prov 9:1-11 Php 2:5-11 Lk 10:38-42; 11:27-28
16 2Cor 4:1-6
Mt 24:13-28
17 2Cor
4:13-18 Mt 24:27-33,42-51
18 1Cor 1:3-9
Mt 19:3-12
19 1Cor 9:2-12 Mt 18:23-35
20 2Cor
5:10-15 Mk 1:9-15
21 2Cor
5:15-21 Mk 1:16-22
22 2Cor
6:11-16 Mk 1:23-28
23 2Cor 7:1-10
Mk 1:29-35
24 2Cor
7:10-16 Mk 2:18-22
25 1Cor
1:26-29 Mt 20:29-34
26 1Cor 15:1-11 Mt 19:16-26
27 2Cor 8:7-15
Mk 3:6-12
28 2Cor
8:16-9:5 Mk 3:13-19
29 2Cor 9:12-10:7 Mk 3:20-27
30 2Cor
10:7-18 Mk 3:28-35
31 2Cor
11:5-12 Mk 4:1-9
A Recent Miracle of Elder Paisios in Serres
The following
article is pre-published, and will appear in the September 2012 issue of the
Greek periodical ΔΙΑΛΟΓΟΣ. The author has allowed for its distribution, because
of the hard times we are living in, especially in Greece .
The last sunset of the 20th century
Nikos Deja Vu - The last sunset of the 20th century
Place: Santorini Island Greece
Date: 31/12/1999
The Orchestra of Colors in:
Manos Hatzidakis, "The smile of Giokonda"
A rare film, tribute to Manos (RIP) and to 90's for ever...
It is just magical...
Enjoy it!
Place: Santorini Island Greece
Date: 31/12/1999
The Orchestra of Colors in:
Manos Hatzidakis, "The smile of Giokonda"
A rare film, tribute to Manos (RIP) and to 90's for ever...
It is just magical...
Enjoy it!
The Fast of the Dormition of the Holy Theotokos
By Fr. Gabriel Barrow
From The Word, June 1977
For the first fourteen days of August during each year, the Holy Orthodox Church enters into a strict fast period in honor of the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary. The eminent Orthodox theologian, Father Sergei Bulgakov, beautifully expresses the high regard which the Orthodox Christians have for the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, for her special role in the salvation of mankind, when he affirms, “The warm veneration of the Theotokos is the soul of Orthodox Piety.” St. John of Damascus, one of the great Orthodox fathers, pointed out that when the Blessed Virgin Mary became the Mother of God and gave birth to Christ, the Redeemer of Mankind, she became the mother of mankind. We call the Virgin Mary “Theotokos”, from the Greek, which means “The Birth-Giver or the Bearer of God.” This is the highest title that can be bestowed upon any member of the human race.
The Theotokos, the Virgin Mary, was “blessed amongst women,” and she was chosen “to bear the Savior of our souls.” We, therefore, as Orthodox Christians, consider her to be the Queen of all the saints and the angels.
Knowing that she holds such a high place in the Kingdom of Heaven and that she is eternally present at the throne of God interceding for mankind, we, as good Orthodox Christians, must pray for her love, guidance, and protection. We must never forget to ask for her intercessions in times of sickness and danger, and we must constantly thank her for her care and her prayers in our behalf.
Every year the Orthodox Church sets aside the first fourteen days of August in honor of the Virgin Mary. This fast period is climaxed on August 15th, when the Church gathers to celebrate the Great Feast of the Dormition (Falling-Asleep) of the Theotokos. During this fourteen day fast period, the Orthodox Church prescribes that the Paraclesis Service be held in honor of the Mother of God.
The word “paraclesis” has two different meanings: the first is “consolation,” from which the Holy Spirit is called the “Paraclete,” or “Consoler”; the second is “supplication” or “petition”. The Service of the Paraclesis to the Theotokos consists of hymns of supplication to obtain consolation and courage. It should be recited in times of temptation, discouragement or sickness. It is used more particularly during the two weeks before the Dormition, or Assumption, of the Theotokos, from August 1 to August 14. The theme of these Paraclesis Services centers around the petition. . “Most Holy Mother of God, save us.
If you have a problem or if something is burdening your soul, if you feel spiritually uneasy and if you are not at peace with yourself and with those around you, then, you should come to the Church during the first fifteen days of August and ask for the intercessions of the Mother of God. Even if you are fortunate enough to be one of those very few who are at peace with themselves and with God, then those blessed ones should come to these services and thank God and His Blessed Mother for the blessings that they have bestowed upon you and your family.
Since these Paraclesis Services to the Theotokos are primarily petition for the welfare of the living, let the whole Church pray for you during the first fifteen days of August and especially on the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos on August 15th. Don’t let your laziness and your apathy cause you to miss this great blessing and inspiration that the Church can bestow upon you. Let the peace and holiness that only the Mother of God can give you enter into your life. “Let us lay aside all earthly cares,” and let us truly, during these fifteen days, participate in the fasting and prayer life of the Church so that we can “taste and see that the Lord is good” and so that we may fully experience the spiritual blessings that the Church offers to us at this holy time. “Blessed is he whom He shall find watching.” Come and pray to the Theotokos with us and with the Church and by her prayers and intercessions, may our souls be saved!
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