Open the wise book of the world, open
holy Scripture, and search somewhere there in the beginning. You will see there
were five cities in a rich land. The grass was five meters high; they had goats
and cattle; they had wealth. And what happened? They fell into sin, they fell
in the flesh: they fell into fornication, into adultery, in sins against
nature. They became “oka”. For man is spirit, which rises upwards; while he who
has become “oka”, you weigh him and his whole value is only 50, 60, 80 okas of
body. So they became people of “okas”. Flesh only, without spirit, without
ideals, without anything high and sublime. In that society only one just man
remained. And he would tell them: My brethren, stop, depart from sin… It fell on
deaf ears; they couldn’t care less; they kept doing what they were doing, their
pleasure. Partying, entertainment, woman, fornication. They had nothing more in
their brains beyond the flesh and wine and entertainment. They were building
houses, palaces, all these things. What was the end? One day, there where the
sun shone brilliantly, suddenly the sky became black. There was lightning,
thunder, and in a short time there fell not water nor snow nor hail. But what
fell? Fire and brimstone! The region lit up. The trees were burned, the sheep
were burned, the goats were burned, the houses were burned, their kings were
burned, their judges were burned, their teachers were burned, all were burned.
Their gold, their silver, everything melted. God passed them through a furnace.
And then, after all things were burned, suddenly the earth sank to the depth of
500 – 600 meters, into a chaos. There a sea was formed, where nothing lives. In
all the waters fish live; in this not a single fish lives. Sodom and Gomorrah became
the Dead Sea.…
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